Oral Health

Oral Health

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Oral Health

We all live in a fast-preparing world, where machines rule the world. Ever for brushing, machines were invented, like electric toothbrushes. We hardly spend 5 to 10 minutes in our entire 24 hours to care for our mouth. Some of us would be in a hurry to complete the task of brushing within 3 to 5 minutes.

Oral health is more essential than you realize. You will be astonished to know that oral health can affect the overall health of your body. Oral health plays a vital role in regularizing overall health.

Practising poor oral hygiene may cause health and dental problems like bad breath, bleeding gums, infected cavities, gum diseases, tooth decay, etc.

8 ways to practice oral hygiene

Dental problems - cavities and gum diseases are common in people who do not care about oral hygiene. Dental problems are generally reduced by practising proper oral hygiene. The rundown provides eight ways to practice good oral hygiene.

Regular brushing

As per the doctors' advice, it is recommended to brush twice a day. Brushing twice a day is the best practice to avoid dental problems and cavities.

Proper brushing

However, brushing is effective only if you know the correct technique. Avoid rubbing your teeth aggressively, as it will only lead to bleeding gums. Brushing should be done gently with small circular motions. Then apply gentle force and circular motions to the front, back, and top of your teeth. This might hardly take 3 to 4 minutes.

Use the correct toothbrush.

Use soft-bristled toothbrushes because hard-bristled toothbrushes may damage the gums and tooth enamel. Thereby causing bleeding gums, gum erosion, etc.

Use fluoride toothpaste 

While buying the toothbrush, check if it contains fluorides, as fluoride aids to prevent cavities in adults and children. The fluoride acts as a barrier, protecting the teeth from tooth decay and plaque buildup.

Floss regularly 

If you are not flossing, make it a practice. Flossing at regular intervals may prevent gum invention, reduce plaque, bad breath and improve overall health.

Before flossing, ensure if you are practising the right way because flossing in the wrong way may damage the gums.

Use a mouthwash

Certainly, mouthwash will benefit good oral hygiene. People neglect mouthwash because they are ignorant about its benefits. Mouthwash gives you fresh breath and cleans the area in and around your gums. It is also believed that the mouth helps to treat canker sores.

Clean your tongue

It is common to neglect the tongue when it comes to brushing. Do not fall among the ones who neglect the tongue. As the plaque can also settle in the tongue, cleaning the tongue becomes equally important to clean your teeth.

It does not require additional effort. Every time you clean your teeth, make some additional effort to brush your tongue gently.

Regular dental check-up

Even though practising good oral hygiene, it is advisable to have dental check-ups twice a year. A regular dental check-up can detect tooth decay and other hazardous dental problems.

By practising routine dental health check-ups, you can get your teeth cleaned by the dentist. This helps to prevent and treat hardened tartar.

Common oral problems and diseases

Poor oral health does not affect overall health; it causes discomfort while speaking. The following are common health problems caused by the lack of good oral hygiene.

  • Bad breath: Bad breath causes embarrassment and discomfort in an individual. This is a common oral problem for people of all ages. It is caused by improper brushing or poor oral hygiene. A dry mouth also causes bad breath.
  • Tooth decay: Tooth cavities (decay) is the most common problem in people of all ages. A high sugar or starch content causes tooth decay. The sugar affects the tooth enamel. Brushing twice a day and regular flossing can prevent tooth decay.
  • Bleeding gums: Aggressive brushing and brushing with hard-bristled may damage the soft gum of the teeth. This can also cause bleeding in the gums.

In addition, poor oral hygiene can also cause tooth erosion and gum diseases. The only way to prevent the above-mentioned diseases and problems is to practice good oral health.


Oral health and overall health are interlinked. If oral health is affected, the overall health is also affected. It is your responsibility to care for your oral health. It is easy to spend 10 minutes both in the day and at night caring for oral hygiene.

Importance of oral health


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