Sunday Scaries: Causes and tips to beat Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries: Causes and tips to beat Sunday Scaries

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Mental Health

Sunday Scaries: Causes and tips to beat Sunday Scaries

What is Sunday scaries 

Sunday scaries is a non-scientific term used to describe the feeling of anticipatory anxiety about the imminent return to school, work, or office. Despite its name, it can kick in any time of the week if you are fixated on the stress associated with the work.

What time does Sunday scaries start?

Sunday scaries or Sunday blues as they might be called slowly starts from your late morning coffee and ends up ruining your fun evening! Scared much? Probably that extra work on Saturday makes you want to take time for yourself, or the plan ahead of your day is more demanding than you thought. Don’t cut back on your fun self-care routines.

What causes Sunday scaries

It's pretty common to experience the scare when you are contemplating about the upcoming meeting with your boss and the amount of work your half-done presentation is going to need.

 The anxiety or fear might also stem from the overall complex outlook of your declining mental health due to poor work-life balance, the constant need to be perfect, burnout and overworking.

How to get rid of Sunday anxiety 

The anxiety might feel overwhelming to handle. Remember you’re not alone in this, they are a typical work issue that even your peers, colleagues, and friends struggle with. We can’t always stop the thoughts that pop in, but we can embrace our feelings and prioritize our well-being.

Check out these 9 ways to stress less about the week ahead and snap back into being present in the moment by

Practising self-compassion  

Be kind to yourself by practising gratitude for what you have achieved so far and acknowledge the thoughts you create regarding your work and your productivity. Create a positive mindset with a clear intention of taking rest and improving your tasks for the week ahead.

Making your Sundays fun

Plan your Sunday nights for fun by doing your daily chores and running errands during your weekdays or Saturday mornings. Don’t forget to log off your work apps and try ignoring work-related emails and calls during weekends to actually enjoy your Sunday. 

Rearranging your schedule 

Arranging your schedule before the week would lessen your anxiety. Divide your work for each day of the week and set achievable goals to complete them. This might make you feel confident about the week and might even relieve the Sunday scaries.

Saying “No”

Take a look at how you’ve been spending your Sundays. If you aren’t chilling the way you want to , then probably cancel the plans for the day and rest well. Stay indoors, pull up your blanket, and treat yourself to some comfort food along with your favourite show. 

Indulging in a Sunday night routine 

 To ease the anxiety, create an indulging Sunday routine that you would look forward to. It could be:

  1. Taking a refreshing shower 
  2. A rejuvenating skin and body care massage 
  3. Preparing your favourite meal

Creating a to-do list for Monday

To relieve the stress about a whole new week and enjoy the day at present. Write down all the important tasks that should be done on Monday. Also, checking things off the list would be the best kind of motivation to start your new week ahead.

Treating yourself to Monday morning perks 

We all need a Monday morning perk to hurl ourselves out of bed, so try incorporating a fun, pleasant activity into your Mondays by starting your day 30 minutes early to make a fresh coffee, watching funny videos, and affirming that you could tackle whatever challenge that comes at you! 

Practising effective exercise

Practice a simple but effective exercise to optimize your health as well as your mood. Exercise works as an excellent stress buster. Creating an exercise routine for Sundays will do wonders for your confidence and kick your Sunday scaries away.

Taking a good night’s rest 

Create a peaceful environment and listen to some relaxing playlists or podcasts to put yourself to sleep. Make a regular habit of going to bed early on Sundays and follow a similar routine to make your Monday stress free. Starting your week with a good rest sets your whole week in a positive mindset.


Acknowledge how you feel, and accept that it's completely okay to feel anxious about the new week. Talk to your loved ones about it, create a positive mindset towards work, take rest and have fun. 

Accept the feelings, you are setting yourself up for a positive week ahead!


How do you fight off Sunday scaries? 

Creating a mindful practice of self-compassion, writing to-do lists, practising gratitude, exercising to relieve stress, and planning fun Sunday routines are surefire ways to fight them.

How can I stop being sad on Sundays? 

To prevent yourself from being sad on Sundays, do fun and pleasant activities that make you feel cheerful. Spend quality time with loved ones, take a nap, and create a self-care routine that will uplift your mood and make you look forward to a new week.

Do the Sunday scaries signify depression or anxiety?  

The Sunday Scaries doesn’t necessarily have to signify depression or anxiety. Everyone feels anxious and depressed at times, and it's absolutely normal to experience these feelings. However, if you feel that your Sunday scaries are severe enough to affect your work, sleep, and usual routine work. You should consider getting help from a licensed therapist.


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