Aloe vera   

Using a cream with 0.5 per cent aloe vera can moisturise the skin and reduce redness, itchiness and the risk of Psoriasis. 

Apple Cider Vinegar  

Check with your dermatologist to ensure Apple cider vinegar is the right choice for you, and apply gently. 

Baking soda   

Baking soda can provide quick relief for an itchy scalp.   

Stand in the sunlight    

Often for severe scalp psoriasis, doctors will prescribe phototherapy. They shine artificial UVB light on your scalp, and those rays help slow the growth of skin cells.   


Often for severe scalp psoriasis, doctors will prescribe phototherapy. They shine artificial UVB light on your scalp, and those rays help slow the growth of skin cells.   

Tea tree oil 

Tea tree oil has strong antimicrobial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory oil that can treat scalp Psoriasis when paired with a carrier oil.