What is collagen?

Collagen determines the skin’s physiology and maintains its structure. Collagen is a protein molecule which is made from  amino acids.

Benefits of collagen

Collagen plays an essential role in providing strength and support to the body. 

Ageing skin  

Collagen aids in the regeneration of new skin cells to replace damaged or dead ones. Additionally, it provides moisture and maintains the skin's suppleness. 

Strengthens bone

Physical activity helps to strengthen the bones and gives natural strength. When collagen is less, it can cause joint pain and reduce physical activity. 

Voluminous hair

Collagen plays a natural role in keeping your hair follicles healthy and providing natural shine, and it helps in holding your hair together and adds density

Healthy nails

According to research, collagen supplements increase nail growth by up to 12% and reduce the frequency of broken nails by 42% 

Strengthens muscles

Collagen enhances muscle development and muscle synthesis. The development of skeletal muscles and tendons depends significantly on collagen. 

What is a good source of collagen?

A good source of collagen food includes  – Fish  – Poultry  – Dairy  – Eggs  – Soy  – Legume