Diabetic friendly drinks

People with Diabetes should avoid sugary drinks, as it can lead to a spike in blood glucose levels. However, there are healthy alternatives for sugary drinks, which Diabetic people can enjoy.

Drinks for Diabetes

1. Infused water  2. Sugar-free sparkling  3. water Hot or iced-tea  4. Low-sugar juices

Healthy beverages

1. Hot chocolate milk  2. Coconut water  3. Black tea 4. Buttermilk with  cumin and turmeric  5. Vegetable smoothie  6. Herbal tea

Protein drinks

1. Peanut butter and jelly protein shake  2. French toast  protein shake  3. Rice protein shake  4. Soy good smoothie  5. High protein chocolate smoothie

Non-alcoholic cocktail

Grape pineapple mint fizz

Drinks to avoid for people with diabetes  

1. Energy drinks  2. Regular soda  3. Diet soda  4. Sweetened fruit juices  5. Alcohol 6. ginger ale