Diet for PCOD

Women with PCOD (Poly-cystic Ovarian Disease) develop cysts in their ovaries. Diet and lifestyle choices have a significant impact on PCOD and its symptoms.

Foods that help with PCOD

Low GI Foods Consuming low glycemic index foods helps regulate the menstrual cycle while also reducing the risk of Diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory foods Eating an anti-inflammatory diet may help manage weight and reduce inflammation. Vegetables are low in calories and high in antioxidants.

Green tea Green tea is a great addition to the anti-inflammatory diet. Eat a variety of high-protein beans and legumes.

Foods to stay away from during PCOD Refined carbohydrates High-fat dairy Carbonated beverages Fried foods Processed food

Lifestyle changes that help PCOD Weight maintenance Exercises - Combination of aerobic and resistance training Adequate sleep Stress reduction