Top 5 Best  Foods for Teeth

There exists a direct relationship between diet and oral health. To keep ourselves and our teeth healthy, we need to  consume healthy food. 


Celery is mostly water and contains good source of vitamin A and C. These antioxidants give the body  a good dose of health, including gum health.


Carrots are crunchy and packed with fibre. Consuming raw carrots increases saliva production in the mouth. These bright-coloured vegetables are best for oral health. 

Green leafy vegetables

Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale can improve oral health. 


The high calcium and protein in yoghurt make it a good choice for improving the strength of the teeth. Moreover, the probiotics found in yoghurt benefit the gums and the stomach. 


Almonds are good for improving overall health and benefit the teeth. They are a good source of calcium and protein.