How many calories are in an apple?


Apple is a fibre-rich fruit packed with nutrients. They are available in red or green skin with sweet whitish flesh inside. Apples may be used to produce vinegar and are best when consumed raw.

An apple’s calorie count depends on the size of the fruit. 100 g of a big apple provides 62 Calories. The nutritional value and calories also depend on the variety of apples. 

Can apple be used for weight loss?  

While it’s true that eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, this great fruit can also aid in weight loss.  


Eating apples can help to lose weight because they promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. 

Additional benefits 

Eating one apple a day can provide the body with enough nutrients to enhance gut health, which also aids in weight management. Including apples in the diet regularly enhances metabolism and general wellness. 

Apples offer a significant amount of antioxidants and fibre yet are low in fat and sugar.