What is cholesterol ?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is essential for many bodily functions. However, too much of it can clog your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Some fats are good for your cholesterol levels, while others are bad. You should limit your intake of saturated fats, found in red meat and full-fat dairy products and avoid trans fats, found in margarines and baked goods.

Limit cholesterol intake

Soluble fibre is a type of fibre that dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in your digestive tract. It can help lower your cholesterol by binding to it and preventing it from being absorbed into your bloodstream.

Eat more soluble fibre

Soluble fibre is found in foods such as oatmeal, beans, lentils, apples, pears and citrus fruits. You should aim for at least 25 grams of fibre per day, with at least 10 grams coming from soluble fibre.

Fibre rich foods

Exercise can help improve your cholesterol levels by boosting your HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering your LDL (bad) cholesterol. It can also help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure and improve your blood circulation.

Improve your cholesterol levels

Smoking can harm your cholesterol levels by lowering your HDL (good) cholesterol and increasing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Oxidized LDL is more likely to stick to your artery walls and cause plaque buildup.

Quit Smoking

Drinking alcohol in moderation can have some benefits for your cholesterol levels. It can raise your HDL (good) cholesterol and lower the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Plant sterols are natural compounds that are similar to cholesterol in structure. They can help lower your cholesterol by competing with it for absorption in your intestines. Plant sterols are found naturally in small amounts in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains.

Consider plant sterols