Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

What is tea tree oil?   

Tea tree oil comes in the form of pure and undiluted oil and is an ingredient in some health and beauty care products.

Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

7 Benefits of tea tree oil for skin   

Acne  Helps oily skin Natural deodorant  Cures itchy skin Reduces inflammation  Treats nail fungal infection Heals wounds   

Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

Tea tree oil for acne  

Acne is a common skin issue. Studies show that tea tree oil for acne can be an effective tool to fight against acne.  

Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

Why tea tree oil  for acne?   

Some acne, especially those caused by bacteria, can become resistant to traditional antibiotics. But tea tree oil shows promising results in fighting them. 

Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

How to use tea tree oil?   

Dilute 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil with carrier oil and apply it to the acne-prone region of the skin.   

Tilted Green Blob
Pink Blob

For best results, choose tea tree oil as one of the ingredients in skincare products.   Read the blog to know more.