Health Benefits Of Sabja Seeds

Sabja or basil seeds make a balanced diet for optimum health. Just two teaspoons of these tiny black seeds each day are enough to reap their incredible health benefits.

Boosts weight loss

Sabja seeds are ideal for weight loss since they are high in dietary fibre. Fibres suppress weight gain by promoting satiety and limiting overeating and mindless eating.

Relieves acidity

Sabja seeds can neutralise stomach acids, reduce heartburn, soothe the stomach’s inner lining, and give relief.

Benefits  skin and hair

Sabja seeds contain high protein  and flavonoids with antioxidant properties. They promote hair growth, protect against early hair loss, improve skin health and slow the ageing process.


Fibre is known for being stomach-friendly. It keeps hunger at bay for a considerable amount of time.

Deals with PCOS

Sabja seeds are one among the PCOS-friendly foods. These seeds don’t raise insulin levels, cause food allergies, or affect the hormones or menstrual cycle.

Natural coolant

Sabja seeds cool the stomach. Mixing a teaspoon of basil seeds in a water bottle or a glass of milk helps cool the body.

How to consume sabja seeds?

Take roughly a cup of water, add one teaspoon of sabja seeds, and let it sit for about 15 minutes to soak them. This is the ideal way to drink sabja seeds.
