What is Heart Palpitation?

Heart palpitations are the sensation of your heart beating rapidly or irregularly. These sensations can cause anxiety, but they are usually not a sign of a serious medical problem.

What causes Heart palpitation?

Heart palpitations can have a variety of causes, including stress, anxiety, exercise, caffeine and other stimulants, and certain medications.

What are the symptoms of Heart Palpitation?

1. Beating too fast 2. Flip-flopping 3. Fluttering rapidly 4. Pounding 5. Skipping beat

Is heart palpitation harmful?

In most cases, heart palpitations are harmless and do not require treatment. 

Home Remedies for Heart Palpitations

1. Perform relaxation technique 2. Keep electrolytes balanced 3. Stay hydrated 4. Avoid excessive use of alcohol 5. Exercise regularly

When to see a doctor?

If you are experiencing heart palpitations that are accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or fainting, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Heart palpitations are usually not a serious medical problem, but discussing your concerns with your doctor is always a good idea.