Everything you need to know  

Headache is common Headaches are bearable A migraine is more than a normal headache

Migraines > Headaches   

Migraines cause severe throbbing pain in your head that can last for hours or days. In the condition of migraine headache, you feel the pain only on one part of your head

Make sure to visit a doctor if you experience the following symptoms  Irritated by the bright light, loud noise and odours  Nausea and vomiting  Fatigue  Fever  Depression  Neck stiffne Mood swings

The fight  against pain   

Migraine can be a normal condition, but you may suffer from severe health conditions like depression and anxiety if left untreated. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may leave you exhausted and pale 

If it’s not prevented, get cured with care    

There is no specific cure for migraine. Treating Migraine at an early stage reduces the risk of developing complications and getting worse. Prevention is better than treatment.