
Refractive error

Refractive errors

The commonest eye problem that the general population across all age groups fear and falls prey to is – any type of ‘Refractive errors’. One should always take precautionary measures to avoid it. Also, take proper care when u get any one of the refractive errors in the eye.


IBD – What to Know?

IBD – Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It consists of different types of conditions affecting the colon and small intestine, which may cause us to have life-challenging modalities. A life-long condition, which affects both the physical and mental health of an individual. Essential care is a must for these patients.


Rectal bleeding (Blood in Stool) – Symptoms, causes and treatment

Rectal bleeding is the condition where blood is spotted or noticed in the rectum or the stool.   What is rectal bleeding? If blood is found on the toilet bowl or in the tissue, then it needs to be treated. The discharge of blood is because of rectal bleeding. Before moving towards the risk and …

Rectal bleeding (Blood in Stool) – Symptoms, causes and treatment Read More »

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