Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care

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Plan Essentials


Rural Policy

Specially designed policy for farmers and rural people to meet their hospitalisation expenses due to accident or illness.

Sum Insured

People from rural areas can select Sum Insured options of Rs. 1,00,000/- for Individual and Rs. 2,00,000/- for Floater plan.

Flexible Policy

This policy is available on either Individual or Floater basis for people aged between 18 and 65 years. A Floater plan comprises self, spouse and up to two dependent children (12 months to 25 years).

Day Care Procedures

Medical treatments and surgical procedures that require less than 24 hours of hospitalisation due to technological advancements are covered.

PED Cover

Pre-Existing and Specific Diseases are covered after the waiting period of six months.

Medical Examination

Pre-insurance medical screening and examinations are not required for this policy.

Instalment Options

Policyholders can pay their premiums either on a quarterly or half-yearly basis.

Policy Type

This policy can be availed either on an Individual or Floater basis.

Understand what’s included


Policy Term

This policy can be availed for a term of one year.

Entry Age

Any person aged between 18 and 65 years can avail this policy. Under the Floater basis, up to 2 dependent children aged between 12 months and 25 years are covered.

In-patient Hospitalisation

Hospitalisation expenses incurred for a period of more than 24 hours on account of  illness, injury or accidents are covered.

Room Rent

Room, boarding and nursing expenses are covered up to 1% of the Sum Insured per day.

ICU Charges

ICU charges at actuals are covered under this policy.

Day Care Procedures

Medical treatments and surgical procedures that require less than 24 hours of hospitalisation due to technological advancements are covered.

Modern Treatment

Modern treatment expenses are payable up to the limits mentioned in the policy clause.


This policy is subjected to a Co-payment of 20% of each and every admissible claim amount, for fresh as well as for the policies subsequently renewed for insured persons whose age at the time of entry into this policy is 61 years and above.

AYUSH Treatment

Medical expenses for Inpatient Hospitalization incurred on treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a AYUSH Hospital is payable up to the sum insured.

Cataract treatment

Cataract treatments are covered up to Rs. 10,000/- per eye and up to Rs. 15,000/- per policy period.

Instalment Options

Policyholders can pay their premiums either on a quarterly or half-yearly basis. It can also be paid annually.

Lifelong Renewal

This policy offers a lifelong renewal option.
Please refer to the Policy Documents to know the policy details and Terms & Conditions.

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As a Health Insurance specialist, we extend our services from offering tailor-made products to fast in-house claim settlements. With our growing network of hospitals, we ensure easy access to fulfill your medical needs.


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Healthcare is the biggest wealth for people in all kinds of professions. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations stated that nearly 70% of the Indian people primarily depend on agriculture (amended from time to time). Farmers account for nearly 22% of the Indian population, and it’s important to meet the health needs of farmers as farming is the backbone of our country.


It might be difficult for some farmers to spend on their health needs while having a lower bank balance after they spend on their agricultural needs. The right way to meet the healthcare needs of farmers is to select a suitable health insurance policy.


Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care



Star Health Insurance offers Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care with the intention of covering the health needs of a farmer and their family members. This policy is applicable to adults from the age group of 18 to 65 years and dependent children from 12 months to 25 years. The farmer’s family covered in this plan includes the farmer, the farmer's spouse, and only up to two dependent children.


A farmer can avail of the appealing Star Micro Rural and farmers Care benefits, which include health coverage for all day care procedures, modern treatment, etc. The Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care offers coverage for rural households and households and is available on an individual and floater basis.


What is the Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care?


Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care is a policy particularly made for farmers and rural people to help them efficiently meet their hospitalisation expenses due to accidents or illnesses. 


Benefits of Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care


As per the micro rural and farmers care eligibility, one can avail of the Star micro rural and farmers care benefits. The benefits of the Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care are given below:


  • Similar to many other Star Health Insurance policies, the Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care also includes coverage for all daycare procedures.
  • The cataract charges of a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per eye and a maximum of Rs. 15,000 per policy period are covered.
  • The expenses like room rent, boarding, and nursing expenses are also covered.
  • The fees of surgeons, anaesthetists, medical practitioners, and consultants are also included.



Exclusions in the Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care


Though many Star micro rural and farmer care benefits are available under our policy, a few expenses are not covered by it. The expenses excluded from the Star Micro Rural and Farmers Care are given below :


  • It will not cover the expenses for the treatment of congenital anomalies and defects.
  • The charges related to the admission solely for evaluation and investigation purposes will not be included.
  • Expenses incurred due to participation in hazardous or adventure sports will not be covered.
  • Treatment of any illness arising during the initial 30-day waiting period
  • The charges due to the admission due to the rest cure, respite care, and rehabilitation are excluded.
  • The cost of surgical treatment for obesity will not be included.

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