6 Amazing Health Benefits of drinking Amla Juice

6 Amazing Health Benefits of drinking Amla Juice

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6 Amazing Health Benefits of drinking Amla Juice

Overview of Amla

Amla, also popularly known as Indian Gooseberry, is a green translucent fruit that is a good source for healthy living. The word ‘Amla’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’, which means “nectar of life”. The fruit is famous in India for its various health benefits and for preventing serious health ailments.

According to non-allopathic treatments, amla has the ability to balance the three doshas in our body, namely: kapha, vata, pitta, destroying all the unwanted toxicity.

There is no doubt that amla is a powerhouse of nutrients. Here are the top reasons why you should drink amla juice regularly.

Amla and juice

To have a strong immune system

Amla has a high source of Vitamin C than an orange. It is considered to be a superfood as it has a power of more than 17 pomegranates at once. According to NCBI, each amla contains about 600-700 mg of vitamin C. Additionally, it states that regular consumption of amla juice enhances the performance of macrophages.

By consuming amla, you can build your immunity and stay prepared to fight against any viral or bacterial infections.

To stay free from constipation

Amla has the power to strengthen your digestive system. Even though you have faced constipation in the recent times, the high fibre content present in amla can relieve any digestive problem you’re suffering from.

Regular consumption of amla juice can help with constipation. To get rid of constipation and to ease bowel movement, drink amla juice daily on an empty stomach.

Grind a whole fruit with water and consume it on an empty stomach. You can also add honey to enhance the taste. However, amla juice without any sweeteners is recommended. Consumption of amla juice with butter and honey improves appetite.

To improvise kidney function

Research shows that amla juice may benefit kidney health because it is high in antioxidants. Animal study found that administering amla extract helped protect against kidney damage and maintain kidney function.

Regular consumption of amla juice and fruits helps reduce creatinine levels. High creatinine levels can indicate kidney diseases.

Amla to improve of kidney function

To maintain a healthy weight

Many people use amla for weight loss. Drinking amla with a pinch of salt and pepper on an empty stomach helps you eliminate harmful toxins and reduce weight. It also helps to keep your BMI intact.

Amla is rich in antioxidants, and apart from flushing the toxins out, it also prevents oxidative stress that occurs in the cells. Additionally, amla juice helps control cravings and helps you to stop the practice of binge eating.

High vitamin C content in amla juice increases metabolism, which helps to burn fat. The ability to regulate digestion helps maintain weight.

Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body, and amla juice can be a good detoxifier. Amla juice is high in fibre, prevents constipation and maintains gut health. All these factors together can contribute to weight loss and also helps maintain a healthy weight.

To purify the blood

The nutrients in amla purify the blood and strengthen the blood vessels. You can also take amla with a spoon of honey to increase the haemoglobin content in your body. The fruit is a great natural blood purifier.

To manage chronic ailments

Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and cancer are some of the most common health ailments that affect a majority of the population today. Experts suggest that amla is a great source to manage chronic conditions like these and keeps you free from taking other supplements.

For example, cancer is caused by oxidative damage; that is, when body cells use oxygen, they leave behind a harmful by-product called radicals. The antioxidant compound amla contributes to preventing and repairing this damage. As amla contains chromium, it also helps the body to respond to insulin and maintain a healthy blood sugar level, making it a good choice for diabetics.

To improve vision

Carotene, found in amla, is responsible for improving vision. Daily intake of amla can improve your eye health and prevent problems such as cataracts, intraocular tension, and reddening, itching, and watering of the eyes.

Health benefits of drinking amla juice

How to consume Amla Juice?

The best time to drink amla juice is in the morning.

  • Take one or two lemon-sized amlas. Chop them and add them to a mixer.
  • Blend well with water.
  • You can add salt for taste. Sweeteners are optional, but try to avoid them.

Drink the juice on an empty stomach to get good results. Thus, amla is a powerful natural element packed with various medicinal properties that help deal with most of our health concerns. So, get started! It's not too late to begin a health daily routine.  

Amla recipes

Amla can be included in your diet in various ways, and not necessary you should only drink it as juice.

Amla chutney

Ingredients required for amla chutney.

  • Amla-4-5
  • Green chilly-2
  • Ginger- A small piece
  • Jeera- As required
  • Hing- A pinch
  • Oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 tablespoon
  • Coriander leaves
  • Curry leaves

Cooking method

Soak amla in hot water for a few minutes. Peel the skin and remove the seed.

Blend the soaked amla, coriander leaves, ginger, green chillies, jeera and salt. Add a few drops of water and blend well until it makes a smooth paste.

Heat some oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and curry leaves. After the seeds have spluttered, temper the paste and mix well. The amla chutney will go well with dosa, idly, poori and chapati.

Amla candy

Amla candy can be a good alternative for those who like candies. You can munch on the amla candies instead of the commercial ones.


  • Amla 250 grams
  • Sugar 150 grams
  • Cumin powder 1 tablespoon
  • Dried ginger powder 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar powder 2 tablespoon

Cooking method

  • To the boiling water, add the amla. Let it boil for a few minutes, and then drain the water.
  • Cut the boiled amla into small slices.
  • To the sliced amla pieces add ginger powder and cumin powder.
  • Add sugar to the sliced pieces and close the container.
  • The next day, you will notice the amla slices will float in sugar water.
  • On the third day, the amla will start to settle down.
  • You can filter the sugar water and sundry the amla slices for about two days.
  • After drying in the sun for two minutes, store the amla candy in an air-tight container.

Amla candy can be a good alternative for children who consume too much chocolate. Amla is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity and also increases haemoglobin levels. They are also rich in antioxidants, which fight free-radical and protects the body from oxidative stress.


Amla contains nutrients that can benefit health. Drinking amla juice on an empty stomach can promote weight loss, controls blood glucose level, promotes digestion and prevents constipation.

Apart from consuming it as juice, you can also add it to your daily diet in the form of chutneys and subjis. Amla helps strengthen hair and promotes hair growth. It is also rich in antioxidants that act as a blood purifier.



Does Amla juice remove toxins?

Amla juice is rich in fibre, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Additionally, it helps regulate digestion, prevents constipation and keeps the gut healthy.

How many amlas should be eaten in a day?

A person can consume 1-2 amla in a day. However, if a person is pregnant, breastfeeding or diagnosed with low blood glucose level, avoid consuming amla.

 How is amla good for hair?

Amla is rich in carotene and iron, which strengthens hair and boosts hair growth.


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