Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. receives ISO:27001 and ISO:22301 Certifications

Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. receives ISO:27001 and ISO:22301 Certifications

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Verified By Star Health Doctors  

Verified By Star Health Doctors

Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. receives ISO:27001 and ISO:22301 Certifications

An independent certification audit firm conducted a detailed review of Star Health Insurance’s policies and procedures in alignment with the ISO standards and certification requirements and awarded the ISO:27001 standard for Information Security Management System and ISO:22301 for its Business Continuity Management System.

With the implementation of ISO:27001 standard, Star Health Insurance’s infrastructure to protect its customers against information security threats is further strengthened. It also demonstrates to its various stakeholders that Star Health has taken the necessary steps to protect the business.

The ISO:22301 certification will ensure the Business Continuity Plans remain up to date and becomes a part of Star Health’s organizational culture. This certification will help Star Health mitigate Business Continuity Management risks effectively and continually and adopt an integrated approach to managing business continuity.

Star Health Insurance’s strong leadership commitment and its intent to further strengthen the governance framework played a key role in the Company achieving both the ISO certifications. All functional teams worked for over a year to provide detailed process walkthroughs, and participate in training, awareness sessions and management reviews required for this certification. 

We also have a strong governance mechanism on continuous monitoring through the Information Security Policy, Cyber Security Policy and Business Continuity Policy.


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