How the Pandemic has made Mental wellness important

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These days, there is a lot of discussion about mental wellness. You might hear people talking about their mental health in conversations, on your favourite show, online or in a variety of other settings.

We are only starting to understand the pandemic’s impacts on mental health. Everyone has been affected differently in various ways. Of course, those on the front lines and the medical community may have been more traumatised.

The Covid pandemic’s effects on physical health have been more noticeable compared to mental health. But physical health is just as essential as mental health. Both physical and mental health is necessary for overall excellent health.

Most people who experience physical health issues seek expert assistance. However, a stigma is associated with mental health issues, which frequently discourages those experiencing them from getting assistance.

Importance of mental health and wellness

We all know the significance of mental health for overall wellbeing, regardless of age. When mental wellness is compromised, it can lead to harmful behaviours that may compromise one’s interactions with others as well as one’s health. The importance of mental health and wellness includes,

A stronger ability to cope with life’s stressors

Life’s difficulties may be simpler to overcome when mental and emotional states are at their best.

A stable mental state can promote healthier coping mechanisms instead of turning to alcohol/drugs, isolation, tantrums or fighting to handle relationship conflicts, financial difficulties, job challenges and other life issues.

A positive self-image

Personal feelings about oneself are strongly correlated with mental wellness. Your overall emotional health is related to your sense of self-worth. Focusing on the positive aspects of oneself is more likely in someone whose mental health is thriving. They will focus on these traits and generally have goals that aim for a long, fulfilling and happy life.

Better productivity

Your ability to be productive may suffer if you are dealing with melancholy or other mental illnesses. It’s more likely that you will be able to work more quickly and produce work of a higher standard if you feel mentally strong.

Mental health challenges during the pandemic

The pandemic has significantly impacted people’s mental health positively and negatively. Some people have been able to work (or study) from home as a result of the lockdowns, which has allowed them to spend more time with their families and foster connections. This may improve psychological health and provide a sense of happiness. However, this is only a tiny portion of the population’s story.

The pandemic has made a significant detrimental effect on the mental health of the general populace. For instance, COVID-19-positive patients frequently experienced the disease-related symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Frontline employees often dealt with stigma from their community and family as well as the worry of acquiring an infection.

While the difficulties encountered by COVID patients and frontline staff are comparatively more apparent, the general public’s problems go unnoticed and unaddressed. Studies show that during the pandemic outbreak, mental health problems like anxiety, depression, tension, psychological distress and loneliness gradually became more prevalent among the general population.

However, India has long been dealing with an epidemic of mental illness, which has worsened since COVID-19. It will take a team effort from many stakeholders, including medical experts, community health workers, people who have mental illness, family members, etc., to combat this hidden pandemic.

Factors contributing to mental health challenges during the pandemic

Research is still being done on how the COVID epidemic has affected mental health. However, the pandemic’s forced lockdowns, social withdrawal, closure of workplaces and schools, limitations on places of entertainment and recreation, separation from friends and loved ones, loss of freedom, boredom, job and income loss, fear of acquiring the disease and a pessimistic view of survival, and lack of faith in medical services have all had a negative impact on people’s mental health.

The negative effects of Covid on mental health have been made worse by negative stories about Covid in print, electronic and social media.

Strategies for maintaining mental health and wellness 

Self-care strategies are good for your mental and physical health and can help you take charge of your life. Take care of your body, mind and connect with others to benefit your mental health.

Learning coping mechanisms

Acquiring coping mechanisms or ways of handling stressful circumstances might enable you to confront a challenge, act, be adaptable and not quickly give up on a solution.

They enable you to confront a challenge, move decisively, be adaptable and resist the urge to give up on a problem.

Connecting with others

Since humans are social beings, keeping solid, positive connections with others is important. Possessing strong social ties may help shield you from the negative effects of worry. Additionally, it is advantageous to have a variety of contacts. You might discover methods to engage with your community or neighbourhood in addition to staying in touch with your family and friends. For instance, you could participate in a group centred on a pastime you like or volunteer for a neighbourhood organisation.

Relaxation techniques

You can use relaxation techniques to trigger your body’s automatic relaxation reaction. Your breathing will slow down as a result, and your blood pressure will drop along with your stress and muscular tension.

Types of relaxation techniques include,

Progressive relaxation

Progressive relaxation is a type of relaxation method where you tighten and relax various muscle groups, occasionally while using mental imagery or breathing exercises.

Guided imagery

Using guided imagery, you can become more relaxed and focused by training your mind to concentrate on only positive pictures.


Pandemic could have hugely impacted our quality of living in terms of mental health. Adding healthy habits to your daily routine can help you feel better even though many of the factors that can impact your mental health are still outside of your control.


1. What can I do to improve my mental health? 

You can improve your mental health by 
1· Avoid self-criticism and be kind and respectful to yourself.
2· Your mental health can be enhanced by taking care of your bodily needs.
3· Surrounding yourself with people you value
4· Learning how to deal with stress
5· Practising mindfulness and being present

2. How can I support someone who is struggling with their mental health? 

Check in with them regularly and listen to them. Talk with them about the steps you’ve taken to reduce your fear and anxiety, etc.


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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