Cool Sculpting: Does it work and is it safe

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Cool Sculpting

Cool Sculpting, often known as Cryolipolysis, is a cosmetic procedure that eliminates extra fats under your skin. It functions by destroying fat cells through freezing. Cool Sculpting helps to lose 20–80% of the fat cells in the area you have chosen for treatment.

Since cool Sculpting is a non-invasive technique and doesn’t require cuts, anaesthesia or the insertion of tools into the body.

Cool sculpting targets areas of the body where fat is more difficult to lose through diet. Compared to conventional fat-reduction techniques like liposuction, it poses fewer challenges. People should be aware of some potential adverse effects.

How does cool sculpting work?

During a Cool Sculpting procedure, a doctor or other qualified professional uses special equipment to chill certain areas of your body to the point of freezing. The treatment causes the fat cells in the area of your body that is being treated to freeze and die.

Cool Sculpting does not require the use of needles. The tool suspends the body part your doctor wants to target between two paddles. The doctor keeps them in place for 40 to 60 minutes. During that period, the procedure kills 20% to 25% of the fat cells in the targeted area.

Although the complete benefits might not be seen for a few months, you might start to notice some improvements right away. Over time, your immune system gently removes the dead fat cells.

Who can avail cool sculpting?

Cool Sculpting is not just a weight loss technique. With the help of cool Sculpting, localised fatty tissue can be eliminated. To be precise, it is a method of fat loss rather than weight loss.

People who want to shrink or eradicate localised pockets of fatty tissue can opt for cool Sculpting and other cryolipolysis procedures.

However, Cool sculpting is not advised to the people with following conditions.

  • Loose skin
  • Poor skin tone
  • Cold urticaria
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity

What areas can cool sculpting focus on?

Cool Sculpting can be focused on the chest, flanks, abdomen, thighs, inner thighs, upper arms and knees.

Benefits of cool sculpting

Cool Sculpting is a fantastic option to consider in order to have the body of your desires. The following are said to be some of the key benefits of cool Sculpting.

1. Quick and Simple

The length of a Cool Sculpting treatment depends on the size of the body area being treated. However, most operations take a few minutes, making them quick and simple to fit into your hectic schedule. Additionally, you can resume your regular activities right away following your session.

2. Non-Invasive treatment

The non-invasive aspect of the procedure is one of the significant advantages of Cool Sculpting. It functions by freezing fat cells in the targeted areas while leaving the surrounding portions unaffected during a procedure. The cells are then progressively eliminated by your body over the ensuing weeks, leaving you in a leaner and better shape.

3. Helps in fat reduction

Only Cool Sculpting is an FDA-approved non-surgical fat removal procedure. It functions by concentrating on and freezing fat cells, which are then expelled from your body naturally.

4. Natural looking

You can achieve outcomes that seem natural with Cool Sculpting. In contrast to other fat-reduction procedures, it does not result in lumpy or uneven skin texture. Additionally, Cool Sculpting doesn’t require any downtime, so that you can resume your regular activities immediately.

5. Permanent results

As long as you continue living a healthy lifestyle, Cool Sculpting’s benefits can last very long.

Your body can no longer create new fat cells as an adult. But depending on your weight and eating habits, the ones you now have could get bigger or smaller. With the help of Cool Sculpting, a portion of fat cells can be permanently destroyed, reducing the overall amount of fat in the treated area.

6. Low risk

The biggest concern for most people is the risk of surgery. Every surgery has a disadvantage, even if they are carried out by a skilled and certified surgeon.

Cool Sculpting does produce specific side effects, such as brief numbness and localised redness, but they are usually minimal and pass quickly. There is no anaesthetic used, and no bleeding occurs.

Risks associated with cool Sculpting

Cool Sculpting is typically risk-free and could have some adverse effects after the procedure.

A person can experience an extreme cold sensation throughout the procedure and pull or tugging on the skin. They can feel sore and have minor swelling as well.

Experiencing nerve discomfort is also one of the side effects of cool sculpting. The skin may appear less smooth afterwards. Paradoxical fat hyperplasia is a rare complication that affects less than 1% of patients who undergo the procedure.

These adverse effects could linger for a few weeks following the treatment. A person may also encounter the following negative effects in the first few weeks following CoolSculpting.

  • Redness
  • Firmness
  • Pinching sensation
  • Minor swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Stinging
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Skin sensitivity
  • Muscle cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchiness
  • Fullness


Areas with resistant fat can be effectively removed with Cool Sculpting. Within 4-6 months, the body eliminates the frozen and decomposed fat tissues.

Additionally, the process yields long-lasting consequences. Since it eliminates fat cells, they won’t grow back. Cool sculpting has some advantages over other fat elimination methods if you’re a good candidate.

There are no scars left behind following the non-invasive process. Additionally, no downtime or recovery period is necessary. The majority of people see their total outcomes within six months of their final treatment, while results can be seen in a few weeks.


How many cycles of Cool Sculpting do you need?

However, patients often need two to three cycles per treatment region. After your Cool sculpting procedure, you’ll probably notice an improvement in the treatment area eight to twelve weeks later.

How long do the results of Cool sculpting last?

Since the fat cells are destroyed with cool sculpting, they won’t grow back. The effects may last for 6 to 9 years. New fat cells can still form even after existing fat cells are destroyed.

Does CoolSculpting tighten the skin?

Yes, cool Sculpting tightens the skin. It helps to tighten the skin of the back, thighs, flanks, tummy and hips.

Does cool sculpting work on belly fat?

Yes, belly fat reduction was the original goal of cool sculpting. The abdomen is one of the most often treated body parts.

How much weight can Cool Sculpting remove?

With cool sculpting, you can anticipate losing 20–80% of the fat cells in your chosen area for treatment. The size of the treatment area has the most significant impact on how much fat you can lose


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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