15 Immunity booster foods and drinks for flu season

15 Immunity booster foods and drinks for flu season

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15 Immunity booster foods and drinks for flu season


The immune system defends the body against viruses and diseases. Maintaining a healthy and strong immune system is important, especially during flu season.

The diet and lifestyle of a person significantly impact the immune system. We can naturally build immunity by consuming a good diet, exercising regularly, getting sufficient sleep and maintaining a healthy body.

Nutritiously certain foods give nutrients that can assist in developing immunity.  

What is immunity?  

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect us from infections and diseases. We can maintain good health by fighting viruses, germs and other foreign bodies with the presence of a strong immune system.

Why is diet important during flu season?  

A change in weather has been linked to many diseases. Common health issues like a cold, cough, fever, body aches, etc., are on the rise. Everything affects our body and immune work, from lifestyle changes to food preferences. Our system depends heavily on what we eat.  

A healthy, well-balanced diet does not necessarily ward off disease and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for medical advice. However, it can help improve immunity and help the body fight off viruses invading the body.

Immunity booster foods and drinks  

Ginger tea  

Ginger is one of the best foods for relief when it comes to treating a common cold. Ginger’s strong anti-inflammatory properties are essential to the root’s ability to protect itself from a cold or the flu. They can significantly improve immunity as inflammation can influence the body’s immune response.  


Garlic has long been used to strengthen the immune system. Garlic’s primary active component, allicin, is renowned for having antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.  

Garlic has been shown in studies to help prevent and reduce the severity of common colds. It also successfully treats pneumonia and other respiratory infections like bronchitis.

This is a healthy food with high levels of antioxidants and other nutrients that strengthens the immune system. Using garlic in the diet improves heart health, lowers cholesterol, and protects against cancer. Garlic can be taken raw, cooked, or as a supplement and is simple to add to many recipes.  

Including garlic in our diet is quick and easy to boost overall health and ward off the flu.


The wonder spice turmeric has several uses and benefits. The primary chemical compound in turmeric, curcumin, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that boost immune system performance. One can consume turmeric in the form of milk, tea or food.

This bright yellow spice has been used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine and is now becoming more well-known as a natural cure for many diseases. Turmeric is also a strong immune-boosting ingredient due to its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content.

Citrus foods  

Due to their healing properties, citrus fruits are usually linked to the cold and flu season. Vitamin C is a miracle nutrient necessary for strengthening the immune system. This is abundant in citrus fruits. Studies have shown that those who obtain adequate vitamin C throughout the year are less likely to become ill during the cold and flu season.

Citrus fruits are not only healthy, but they’re also delicious. They’re a great way to get the recommended daily Vitamin C intake.

Therefore, while feeling under the weather, reach for a citrus fruit rather than an OTC drug. Great citrus fruit choices include oranges, grapefruit and lemon.

Ginseng tea  

Ginseng tea is well-liked, not just for its flavour but for its use as a remedy for colds and other upper respiratory tract diseases.  

It was reported in a review that ginseng has been demonstrated to reduce the symptoms of colds and influenza. However, additional study is necessary to support the claims of ginseng in boosting immunity.


Broccoli is an essential ingredient in many immune-boosting recipes. The nutrients in them help us stay healthy during the flu season.

Broccoli, along with kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, is a cruciferous vegetable, which means it belongs to the Brassica family. Broccoli is also rich in fibre, vitamins A, C, and E, along with antioxidants and phytochemicals that help enhance the immune system.

Broccoli may be steamed, stir-fried, or roasted. It can be served as a side dish, soup, stew, or pasta ingredient. We can also toss the broccoli in a salad with a preferred dressing or eat it raw as a healthy snack.  


Almonds are a type of tree nut that originated in Southwestern Asia. They are currently grown globally and are an important part of many recipes.  

Almonds are not only delicious, but they also have immune-boosting nutrients. They are a good source of antioxidant vitamin E. This vitamin helps protect the cells from damage and also helps reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

This kind of nut is also an excellent source of magnesium, which keeps the bones, muscles and immune system healthy.

According to research, magnesium may also help lower stress levels and improve sleep.

Given all these advantages, there is no doubt that these nuts are under the superfood category.

Starting to include more almonds in the diet this winter, whether as a snack or on top of a salad and yoghurt bowl, is a good idea.


Green leafy vegetables are abundant in vitamins A, C, E, and K and help to strengthen the immune system.  


Eggs are the best immune-boosting food to include in the diet. The high protein in them is also good for the general health.

Bell pepper  

Red bell peppers are packed with nutrients that can strengthen the immune system. They are abundant in vitamins A and C and are an excellent choice for the daily intake of antioxidants. They also provide a good amount of beta-carotene, which helps the body produce vitamin A, a necessary vitamin for a strong immune system.  

We can be sure that eating red bell peppers will keep us healthy during the cold and flu season, so keep some on hand at all times.

Red bell peppers are an excellent alternative for maintaining weight because they are low in calories and fat and have immunity-boosting properties.  

Green tea  

Green tea is beneficial for improving immune function. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate. The compound is a disease-fighting antioxidant beneficial for health.


Given their high vitamin C content, tomatoes are a great ingredient to eat during sickness.

Vitamin C is critical in the health of the body’s phagocytes and T-cells, two important immune system constituents. The researchers also mentioned that a lack of this nutrient could result in a weakened immune system and decreased susceptibility to some infections that can cause disease.


Incorporating yoghurt into our daily routine is a healthy way to strengthen the immune system.

Beneficial bacteria in yoghurt can help in the prevention of infection. It’s also a fantastic source of calcium and protein needed to keep strong bones and muscles. Grab some yoghurt for a quick, nutritious snack.


Blueberries are a delectable addition to our morning smoothies. They are bursting with nutrients that help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins C and E in blueberries are crucial for a strong immune system. Include blueberries in the diet to prevent the flu and the common cold this season. They taste fantastic in smoothies, yoghurt, or morning cereals and can be eaten fresh, frozen, or dried.

Sunflower seeds  

Sunflower seeds are much more than just a snack. They are nutrient-dense foods that help strengthen the immune system and keep us healthy during the cold and flu season.  

One of these nutrients is vitamin E, which helps maintain a healthy immune system and prevent cell damage. They also contain selenium, which supports the immune system’s defence against viral infections.

These nutty seeds are a fantastic source of magnesium, which supports healthy bones and protects from the common cold.

During the colder months, enjoy a handful of sunflower seeds as a snack to get all the health benefits!

Nutrients essential for boosting immunity  

The following nutrients help maintain healthy immune function.


Plant-based foods often contain beta-carotene, including sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, mangoes, broccoli and tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Fatty fish and eggs have vitamin D. Other good sources include milk and fortified juices.

Vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, melons, tomatoes, bell peppers, and broccoli.


Zinc is better absorbed from foods such as beef and seafood, but it’s also found in plant-based sources, including wheat germ, beans, nuts and tofu.


Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health. They are in fermented foods like kefir and kimchi and dairy products like yoghurt.


Animal and plant protein sources include milk, yoghurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils.


A healthy immune system is essential for defending the body against infections and diseases. Nutritious foods boost the immune system during the flu season, like a flu shot.

Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, don’t skip meals, improve sleep quality and reduce stress to fight the flu and common cold.


How can I boost my immune system during flu season?  

Boosting the immune system during the flu season.
· Stay hygienic
· Get adequate sleep
· Drink plenty of water
· Exercise regularly
· Reduce stress.

What food is good for the flu?

Foods to eat when fighting the flu
· Chicken soup
· Broth
· Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables.
· Garlic
· Herbal tea
· Green leafy and cruciferous vegetables.

What drinks boost immunity?

Turmeric milk, ginger tea, green smoothie, citrus fruit juice, beetroot, carrot and ginger juice boost immunity.

What vitamins help fight the flu?  

Vitamins C and D help fight the flu.


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