Why Accident Insurance Is Required Despite Having Life And Health Insurance

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*


A health plan covers medical expenses and hospital costs. The plan also covers other illnesses and medical problems, so it doesn’t just cover accidents.

An accident insurance plan, on the other hand, provides coverage for accidental injuries and accidental death.

Understanding life insurance

In today’s era, every individual needs a life insurance policy because it is one of the best methods to safeguard one’s future and the future of their loved ones. Life insurance secures your loved one’s future financially in case of your untimely demise.

Life insurance is described as a contractual arrangement between an insurer and a policyholder under which the insurer guarantees the policyholder’s financial security and pays a death benefit to the beneficiary upon the insured’s passing. The policyholder must either pay multiple premiums over time or a singular premium in order for the life insurance policy to stay in effect.

Life insurance works only if the policyholder consistently pays all premiums.

Understanding health insurance

A health insurance policy protects against medical costs acquired due to injuries and illnesses.

Health insurance provides coverage for medical expenses and treatments. These medical expenses can include the cost of medication, hospitalisation costs, diagnostic test costs, doctor/physician fees and more. 

Accident Insurance

Accident plans are yearly contracts that offer protection in the event of disability, injury, or death brought on by accident. This applies to incidents like road accidents, train accidents, etc. Accident insurance provides coverage for accidental death, disability due to accident.

Benefits of accident insurance

An accident can happen at any moment and sometimes resulting in serious injury. Any such unfortunate circumstance can have a big effect on your finances because the treatment can be costly and reduce your earning potential if you have any kind of disability.

It is essential that you buy accident insurance to safeguard yourself and your family from such a circumstance.

Some of the benefits of buying accident insurance, include:

Provides financial support in case of accidental death or for permanent total disablement  as indicated in the policy. Your ability to earn would be significantly impacted if you were in an accident that left you disabled or caused death. A policy for accidents will provide your family with financial security and protection in the form of accidental compensation.

Who needs accident insurance?

Accidents occur daily, and given the state of the roads and the traffic volume, there is always a significant danger of a crash. Even the best drivers occasionally get into accidents because of the negligence of others. It is essential that you have accident insurance to protect yourself against the risk of a road accident.

Accident insurance is particularly important for people who work in high-risk occupations or participate in risky activities. Several accidents can occur at work, in addition to road accidents, particularly if you work in a dangerous environment like a factory where you might have to operate heavy machinery.

Any accident has the potential to result in serious injuries or sometimes even death. Therefore, it is advised to buy accident insurance. In the case of an accident, it will assist you in obtaining financial aid.


In conclusion, accident insurance provides financial protection and peace of mind for individuals and families in the event of unexpected accidents.

With accident insurance, you can receive financial assistance to cover medical expenses, lost income, and other related costs. Accident insurance can be a valuable investment to ensure that you are prepared for the unexpected and can focus on recovery without financial stress.


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