Journey to Weight Loss
This is also called weight-loss surgery.
What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is suggested for people who are morbidly obese and also for those with co-morbidities along with battling obesity.
The advantages of weight loss are innumerable and help in the treatment of Diabetes, Hypertension, Fatty liver, Osteoarthritis of the knee and reduced risk for cancers, respiratory disorders and gallstones.
The patients must be disciplined in diet and highly motivated to exercise. They should not have calorie-rich foods. There are many bariatric surgery procedures. Let's see different types of bariatric surgery here.
Procedures one can choose from
1) Intra-gastric balloon
2) Gastric bypass
3) Sleeve gastrectomy
Intra-gastric balloon
- Procedure involves the deployment of a balloon in the stomach done by an endoscope.
- It is a temporary procedure done; after waiting for 3-6 months, this balloon can be removed, and the patient learns to eat less.
- This balloon gives a sense of fullness all the time, which prevents the patient from eating any further.
It is reversible, needs no anaesthesia and is the least expensive, least risk involved.
It is temporary, and the patients can go back to their ways of overeating and thus can become obese again.
Gastric Bypass
- This usually involves restrictive surgery with malabsorptive surgery.
- Here, the gastric pouch is created and anastomosed (sutured) to a Roux-en-Y limb (cut limb of the small intestine) to reduce the exposure of food to the digestive enzymes and also causes Diarrhoea due to improper absorption.
- Limiting the food to a lesser extent in the small intestine also reduces the absorption of food (by passing a significant length of the small intestine).
- The surgery is done under anaesthesia, and all the precautions for general anaesthesia have to be followed, and the risk should be borne in mind.
Gastrectomy - Sleeve Gastrectomy
- This is a procedure that is done under general anaesthesia usually.
- It does require extensive preparation and has all its associated risks.
- The common risk is cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and venous thrombosis.
- In this procedure, the stomach is cut along its long axis so that it is not distensible to accommodate a large meal, this is a restrictive surgery.
- This is a permanent loss of distensibility.
- The stomach can expand over a period of 3 years and can accommodate a big meal.
Gastric Band - Adjustable Type
- Placement of the band is done by the laparoscopic procedure under general anaesthesia.
- It is a reversible procedure by which food intake is drastically decreased.
- An inflatable band is placed over the upper part of the stomach, in which fluid is filled to constrict that area.
- Regular checkups with the surgeon are mandatory to check the tube to avoid complications such as rupture, abnormality in the stomach wall lining etc.
- Abstain from intake of alcohol and smoking permanently. These patients may suffer from Anaemia, as red meat is to be avoided.
- Patient needs to be on a liquid diet till recovery and then slowly change to soft solids and then to the normal diet. So intake of multivitamins is mandatory in this case.
Almost all Bariatric procedures have occasional but lifelong visits to the hospital and are compulsory. The patient should maintain a balanced diet and indulgence in high-calorie food, alcohol and smoking to completely abstain. Also, regular physical activity is mandatory in their everyday life.
Though bariatric surgery has many benefits, there are some bariatric surgery side effects. There are some bariatric surgery risks. There may be many things that need to be considered before and after bariatric surgery. The bariatric surgery scars could differ in appearance based on the type of surgery, the patient's genetics and age, and the way the patient cares for the incisions. You may wonder: Is bariatric surgery safe? Bariatric surgery could be a safe and effective method to attain long-term weight loss. Sleeve gastrectomy is a safer weight-loss surgery. Some patients may see the bariatric surgery results quickly.
What is meant by Bariatric surgery?
It is a weight loss procedure suggested for a patient who has a higher Body Mass Index along with life-endangering health complications.
What foods cannot be eaten after Bariatric surgery?
The patient immediately after the procedure will be on a liquid diet and slowly, through recovery, will be moved to a soft solid diet than a normal diet.
What is the safest weight-loss surgery?
There is no such thing; the procedures are determined by the surgeon based on the individual’s health, body personality and one’s mentality.
How painful is a gastric sleeve?
Pain after the Bariatric procedure is common. The patient will recover in a few weeks.
Can you ever eat normally after a gastric sleeve?
All procedures will follow a similar diet; once a normal diet is initiated for the patient, they should follow a diet of low calories but a balanced diet.