Biotin - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Biotin - Uses, Side Effects, and More

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Biotin - Uses, Side Effects, and More

What is Biotin? 

People often refer to Biotin as a vitamin with magical properties. 

But what’s Biotin exactly?

Biotin is also known as vitamin B-7. It contains glucose and fatty acids and helps break down fat in your body by helping metabolise carbs and amino acids. These functions make Biotin a vital component of your body's energy production.

The term "biotin" is derived from the Greek word "biotos," which signifies "life" or "sustenance." B vitamins, especially Biotin, help to maintain the health of your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system. 

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that the body doesn't save it. Hence, people need to include Biotin in their daily diet to ensure they get an adequate amount. 

Biotin is also an essential nutrient during pregnancy because it promotes embryonic development.

Food sources of Biotin 

While people can get a biotin supplement online or at any pharmacy, most people can get their daily dose of Biotin but incorporating a varied diet.

Biotin rich foods

While people can get a biotin supplement online or at any pharmacy, most people can get their daily dose of Biotin by incorporating a healthy diet.

Egg yolks

According to Food Data Central, eggs are a great source of B complex vitamins, iron, protein, and phosphorus. Egg yolks are rich in Biotin.

But ensure that the eggs are cooked well to reduce the risk of Salmonella poisoning and improve the absorption of Biotin. Egg whites have a protein called avidin, and they may interfere with biotin absorption if eaten raw or undercooked.

Eggs can be had in many ways- hard-boiled, scrambled, fried, or muffins. The choice is yours.


Oats are a natural beauty food because they are rich in Biotin. Biotin helps improve metabolism and digestion, but it also helps keep hair, skin, and nails healthy. 

Just half a cup of oats can provide 25% of your recommended daily recommendation of Biotin.

Oats are also rich in essential nutrients and vitamins such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and protein.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ is rich in Biotin, pyridoxine, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and other essential nutrients.

Wheat germ does wonders and helps maintain the elasticity and resilience of hair and skin. This improves your skin and hair health. As it helps increase blood flow, it improves the skin and hair condition. 

Liver and other meats 

Although it might not be something people are used to, organ meats such as the liver are the best sources of Biotin, and this is because Biotin is stored in the liver.

Nuts and seeds 

The majority of nuts and seeds, particularly almonds and sunflower seeds, are good sources of biotin.

Roasted sunflower seeds contain 2.6 mg of biotin, or 10% of the DV, in a 1/4-cup serving. 1.5 mg, or 5% of the DV, is present in 1/4 cup of roasted almonds. Nuts and seeds are one of the best sources of fibre, unsaturated fat and protein.

Biotin can be found in many nuts and seeds, including almonds and sunflower seeds. Also, nuts and seeds are a great source of fibre, protein and unsaturated fats.


Salmon is the greatest seafood option for biotin intake. The amount of biotin in a cooked 3-ounce portion of salmon is 5 mg. The presence of biotin and omega-3 fatty acids in salmon is helpful for people attempting to improve their hair health as it may help prevent hair loss.


Although broccoli is a well-known source of fibre, calcium and vitamins A and Vitamins C, it also packs a high dose of biotin. 0.4 mg of biotin is present in 1/2 cup of uncooked, chopped broccoli. 

This green vegetable can be eaten raw as a snack with some hummus or cooked into soup for a satisfying and wholesome meal.


A PubMed Central article states that mushrooms are rich in nutrients and have many health benefits. Their high levels of Biotin protect them against predators and parasites in the wild.

As we know, mushrooms go well with noodles, rice, or even homemade pizzas. Fresh mushrooms can also be stuffed, sauteed, baked, or added to salads.


Spinach is a vegetable that provides a good amount of Biotin.

But this isn't all; spinach has many other benefits as well. It's a high-quality source of fibre, calcium, iron, folic acid, and nutrients A and C and can be used in various dishes.


Biotin can be found in small amounts in dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Provided the person doesn’t have dairy intolerance, these items can be a great source of calcium, potassium, and vitamin D.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are among the most nutritious vegetable sources of Biotin.

They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and carotenoid antioxidants, making them an excellent choice. And as we know, they taste amazing, so why not make the best use of them?


While not many fruits can provide Biotin, bananas are a good choice.

Bananas also contain fibre , carbs, and micronutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, and copper.


Avocados are a great fruit source of Biotin. Avocados are adored for their great taste and the benefits they offer to our bodies. They are high in biotin, folate, vitamin E and unsaturated fat.

Table with nutritional values mentioned below

S.NoFood sourceServing size(gm)Biotin concentration (mcg)DV %
 Whole eggs501033%
 Button mushrooms1202.69%
 Sweet Potato1252.49%
 Chicken liver75138 
 Sunflower seeds202.6 

Benefits of biotin 

Biotin is an essential nutrient that is required for healthy physiological function. Biotin is a B Vitamin that aids the body in converting the food you eat (protein, carbs, and fat) into energy.

Having a Biotin supplement to address Biotin deficiency is likely to be effective. Some Biotin supplements, on the other hand, claim to provide extra health benefits that aren't backed up by scientific research.

Regulates metabolic levels

Regular consumption of Biotin can help regulate and improve the body's metabolic levels. Biotin turns the lipids, proteins, and carbs in the body's metabolism to the required energy.

Protects the heart

One of the essential vitamin B7 advantages is protecting the heart from potential complications.

It has been shown that consuming enough amounts of Biotin daily helps boost blood flow inside the heart, therefore protecting the heart against various ailments.

Biotin helps lower cardiac risks by raising high-density lipoprotein and lowering low-density lipoprotein.

Improves brain health

Biotin is required to produce the myelin sheath, one of the fatty compounds necessary to protect the brain from various problems. It also helps in controlling the brain's regular functioning.

Boosts immunity

Biotin-rich foods are required for the optimal development of white blood cells, which has been related to improving the body's immunity. Biotin deficiency has been linked to various immune response risks and issues.

Diabetes control and blood sugar reduction

Biotin assists in the reduction of blood sugar levels by boosting insulin synthesis and improving glucose levels in the body. Biotin, a form of vitamin B7, is well-known for its ability to help people with Type 2 diabetes.

Biotin suppresses inflammation 

Biotin can be used to treat inflammation and allergies because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the most significant and most well-known vitamin B7 health advantages.

Biotin's anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties help alleviate a variety of inflammation-related diseases and concerns. It also helps to avoid the recurrence of allergies and inflammation by working on the issue's root. 

Repairs tissues and muscles

Biotin not only addresses the underlying causes of many health disorders but also helps in the healing of affected tissues and muscles, allowing them to function optimally.

Biotin's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic properties help limit the development of disorders in the tissues and muscles, enabling them to be repaired quickly.

Biotin supplements during pregnancy 

Biotin aids in the process of turning food into energy. It serves as a coenzyme for the metabolism of amino acids and glucose. The excess biotin flows through the urine since it is water-soluble. 

Consuming biotin is encouraged since it promotes healthy hair development as well as strong nails and bones. Additionally, it supports healthy liver, skin and nervous system function. It assists in controlling blood sugar levels, thereby helping manage gestational Diabetes.

It is crucial for the optimal growth and development of the foetus during pregnancy and addresses biotin deficiency. To prevent birth abnormalities and preserve the mother’s health, biotin is also essential for expectant mothers.  

Vitamin B7 is essential during pregnancy and breastfeeding. People can consume vitamin B7 foods regularly throughout pregnancy and when nursing  their baby. If this is done, the benefits of Biotin are reaped by both the mother and the baby.

Regulates blood sugar 

In addition to supporting strong hair, skin and nails, biotin also helps control blood sugar. There is some evidence that patients with type 2 Diabetes who consume biotin supplements have a reduction in blood sugar. 

Keeps the nervous system healthy 

Biotin, along with the other B complex vitamins, makes the nervous system function optimally by supporting neurotransmitter function and assisting with the transmission of nerve signals. B vitamins work together to boost memory, protect the brain and guard against neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive problems.


The strength and health of nails have been found to improve with biotin. According to a research study, taking a biotin pill of 2.5 mg every day for six months led to a 25% increase in nail thickness. 

A daily dose of biotin may assist persons with brittle fingernails in preventing nails from splitting and breaking.

Biotin benefits for hair

Biotin supplementation has been proven in a few studies to stimulate hair regrowth in individuals with clinical Biotin deficiency or alopecia. 

Studies have shown that taking biotin supplements makes hair healthier. Hair loss is one of the main symptoms of a nutritional shortage in the body. 

Pregnant women with liver disease, and people who have trouble absorbing nutrients, like those with Crohn’s disease, are at higher risk of having biotin deficiency.

Enhances skin health

Biotin additionally helps enhance the moisture, smoothness, and appearance of the skin. Biotin also can reinforce and accelerate the growth of fingernails. Biotin can be utilised in many methods for your beauty regimen.

What is Biotin Deficiency?

Biotin deficiency is less prevalent than other nutritional deficiencies. Most people who consume a healthy, well-balanced diet will be consuming sufficient Biotin.

This is because many typical foods naturally have a significant amount of Biotin.

Biotin deficiency can occur in people who have health issues that affect how the body absorbs nutrients or take certain drugs.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency

Thinning of the hair

Biotin deficiency may gradually cause hair thinning, typically accompanied by a loss of colour.

Brittle nails

Sometimes biotin deficiency causes the nails to become brittle and break.

A red, scaly rash

A scaly, red rash appears around the body's apertures (eyes, nose, mouth, and perineum)


Conjunctivitis and congenital trichorrhexis nodosa may occur. 

Depression & Hallucinations

Hallucinations and mild depression are symptoms of Biotin deficiency.


Unexplainable exhaustion and fatigue may also occur. 


Paresthesias (prickling or tingling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet) and myalgias (muscle aches or pains) can occur due to a Biotin deficiency. 

Digestive upset 

It may cause digestive issues like frequent stomach upset.

Affect lipid metabolism

Biotin deficiency may affect the immune system as well as lipid metabolism.

Positive side effects of Biotin

Biotin is an essential vitamin for both producing energy and preserving the overall health of your body. Biotin supports the health of several biological systems.

According to PubMed Central, Biotin can be used to treat a variety of medical disorders. These are some of the conditions:

Risk factor of biotin deficiency

People with biotinidase deficiency 

The inability of the body to recycle the vitamin biotin is known as biotinidase deficiency, which is a hereditary condition. The signs and symptoms of this disorder usually show within the first few months of birth, though they can also appear later in childhood if it is not diagnosed and treated.

Pregnant women 

According to a research article titled ‘Biotin’, since the rapidly dividing cells of the developing foetus require biotin for the synthesis of biotin-dependent carboxylases and also for histone biotinylation, pregnancy may result in subclinical biotin deficiency in healthy women. 

People using certain medications 

Patients may be at risk for biotin deficiency if they take certain anticonvulsants, including phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone and carbamazepine, regularly.

People using IV feeding 

The ability of the body to absorb biotin may be reduced by IV or tube feeding. Until a patient can resume eating solid food, people who use these types of nutrition may require a biotin supplement.

In conclusion

Your body produces enough Biotin on its own each day as a byproduct of the foods you eat. As a result, you should only take Biotin supplements if your doctor recommends it. Some people may require Biotin supplements daily due to some unusual health issues, and a doctor can better diagnose if they have an actual deficiency.

There isn't enough research to know all of the adverse effects of consuming too much Biotin, and however, case studies reveal that some potential consequences might be severe. If you think you could benefit from Biotin supplements, consult a doctor first.


 1. What diet ingredient can block the absorption of biotin? 

Dietary avidin, a glycoprotein found in uncooked egg whites, forms a strong bond with dietary biotin and blocks its absorption in the digestive system.

 2. Should biotin be taken with or without food?

The most usual recommendation is to take biotin tablets with breakfast. Since biotin is water soluble, it will be absorbed by the body together with the other nutrients in the food. 

When should I eat my biotin?

Vitamin B is linked to an increase in body energy levels, making it a better supplement for the day than the night as it could interfere with sleep.

How do I get enough biotin in my diet?

Legumes, egg yolks, organ meats, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, avocados, sweet potatoes and yeast are some of the richest sources of biotin. Although there are biotin supplements available, the majority of people may obtain all the daily biotin requirements by eating a healthy diet.

Do eggs block biotin? 

Consuming raw eggs frequently can lead to biotin deficiency as the antimicrobial protein avidin found in raw egg whites binds to biotin firmly and limits its absorption.

Do eggs deplete biotin? 

Despite the fact that a prolonged intake of egg whites can lead to a biotin deficiency, egg yolks are a significant source of this vitamin. The amount of biotin in one cooked egg is 10 mg.

Does Biotin help hair to grow faster?

Biotin, often known as vitamin B7, promotes hair keratin production and can speed up hair growth.

 Can Biotin cause a rash?

Yes, if people are sensitive to vitamin B or other compounds in the supplement, Biotin can irritate the skin and cause rashes. A skin rash might also result from taking too much Biotin.

Does Biotin cause weight gain?

No, there is no proof that taking Biotin supplements can cause you to gain weight. On the other hand, Biotin is often advertised as a weight-loss vitamin.

Is it okay to take Biotin every day?

Your body produces enough Biotin on its own each day as a byproduct of the foods you eat. As a result, unless your doctor advises otherwise, you should not use Biotin supplements daily.

How much Biotin should I take daily for hair growth?

The bulk of websites promoting Biotin for hair growth advocate taking 2-5 milligrams (2,000-5,000 mcg) of Biotin per day as a supplement.

What should I avoid taking with Biotin?

There are no known interactions with Biotin and any drugs, supplements, foods, or drinks. Continue your usual diet and activity unless told otherwise by your doctor.


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