Without the background study of acidity, it is quite difficult to gather information about GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Acidity is treated as a normal disorder affecting people of all age groups. Acidity is the major cause of your GERD; if acidity is untreated, the chronic condition of acidity leads to GERD. Acidity has become a common disorder because of the change in lifestyle and practice of an unhealthy diet.
What is acidity?
When you swallow your food, it reaches the stomach; then the gastric gland produces the required acid to digest the food. At times, when the acid is produced in excess amount, the acid flows backwards from the stomach to your esophagus (food pipe). The backward flow of acid is known as regurgitation. Regurgitation is the cause of your acidity.
Regurgitation irritates and also damages the inner lining(tissue) of your esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the stomach and lower chest area of your body. You are at risk to develop GERD if your acidity symptoms are untreated.
What is GERD?
GERD stands as the acronym for gastroesophageal reflux diseases. GERD is a digestive disorder, where the acid in your stomach constantly flows backwards from your stomach to your esophagus. This regurgitation (backward flow movement) damages the inner lining tissues of your stomach and esophagus.
GERD is diagnosed when you find yourself often prone to acidity (twice in a week) or any other factors that cause inflammation in your esophagus. If you overlook your acidity symptoms, then you are likely to get GERD.
What are the causes of GERD?
Random acidity is quite common, it doesn’t cause any serious damage to you if treated properly. Frequently occurring acidity might be threatening you, as it leads up to many complications and risk factors. GERD is a common problem; however, it has many unknown reasons.
Following reasons are some of the most common causes of GERD:
- Obesity
- Recurrent smoking and alcohol
- Certain medications
- Skipping meals or irregular eating time
- Straight to bed after eating
- Certain spicy food
- Stress
- Sleeping disorder
- Lack of physical activity
What are the signs and symptoms of GERD?
The signs and symptoms of GERD may vary according to your body’s health condition. The commonly caused signs and symptoms are heartburn, a burning sensation in your chest area and your stomach. The other signs and symptoms of GERD are as follows:
- Chest pain (often misjudged as a heart attack)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bad breath
- Trouble or pain while swallowing
- Chronic cough
- Laryngitis (inflammation of the voice box)
- Loss of appetite
- Asthma
- Sore throat
What are the complications of GERD?
GERD may not be seen as a life-threatening disease, if untreated GERD can lead to severe health hazards and complications.
Esophagitis is an irritation caused in the lining tissue of your esophagus by stomach acid regurgitation. There is a high risk that your esophagitis can cause esophagus ulcer.
Barrett’s esophagus is caused if you suffer from long term GERD. Due to the result of recurrent exposure to stomach acid, the cells of the esophagus get damaged. You may also develop the risk of getting esophageal cancer.
Esophageal stricture, a condition where your esophagus gets tightened and narrow, thus causing trouble while swallowing your food.
Respiratory problems, in regurgitation; there are possibilities that your stomach acid may get into your lungs. Hence, making it hard to breathe and also developing asthma or worsening the condition of your asthma. Including other respiratory problems such as chest congestion, laryngitis and pneumonia.
What are the home remedies for GERD?
GERD can only be treated with the help of your doctor. Without knowing your severity, you can’t try the home remedies and wait for the results.
The home medications can only prevent or cure GERD and acidity formation in the early stage, once you develop GERD; talk to your doctor. Here are some home remedies that could relieve you from GERD:
Baking soda with water, baking soda is alkaline so it has the ability to neutralise the acid. As baking soda is rich in sodium, it is advisable to intake a considerable amount, or else you may suffer from side effects.
Ginger, the common home remedy, which can treat; nausea and vomiting, the common acidity and GERD symptoms.
GERD leaves many complications and long-term damages to your health and body, if untreated. However, GERD can be treated only by your doctor, you can still avoid the actions or foods that trigger GERD.
Everyone has experienced acidity, but many get relief from it by adapting to a healthy lifestyle and home remedies provided by your doctor’s medical treatment. Your health is the greatest wealth, to protect it; act now by adapting to a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet.
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