Loneliness - How to One Can Overcome Loneliness by This Effective Lifestyle Methods?

Loneliness - How to One Can Overcome Loneliness by This Effective Lifestyle Methods?

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Loneliness - How to One Can Overcome Loneliness by This Effective Lifestyle Methods?


There is awareness regarding the physical health, but mental health is also equally important as physical health. If a person has to work to his full potential, physical and mental health coordination is required.

Loneliness is a common feeling that most of us experience during a certain period, like when we are stressed or during a special event when we are away from home.

The occasions can vary, but there are chances that a person can feel lonely for no reason, and this can affect their daily activities to an extent. And if this is left untreated, it can have an impact on a person’s mental health.

When a person is affected by loneliness, they will not talk about it, and after the lockdown period due to the pandemic, the cases of loneliness have increased. Loneliness is a common social issue that everyone faces in their life. But the question is how a person can combat loneliness.

What causes loneliness?

The primary cause of loneliness can be due to lack of or less social interaction. When a person has lost someone who is very close to them, they might feel lonely due to the void.

When someone has to move from their home town for their higher studies or occupational needs, they might feel lonely. In these cases, loneliness can be caused due to the feeling of homesickness. Loneliness can be common in older adults as their friends and family can isolate them.

Some people may feel lonely even if they are surrounded by people. They cannot identify the feeling of loneliness and will be depressed and sad all the time. The feeling of loneliness can be due to rejection by their friends and family, or they might have distanced themself from others.

However, few people may tend to be happy without socialising and living a private life. But others may feel they are lonely.

In some cases, people can feel lonely due to certain circumstances like

  • Raising a child as a single parent,
  • Living in a minority group and having no friends,
  • Excluded from socialising due to financial status,
  • Discrimination due to gender,
  • Race or age and
  • Experienced physical abuse that can make a person become socially isolated.

However, some people may experience loneliness regardless of their social status and other factors.

Symptoms of loneliness

Some people can experience loneliness, and they will enjoy the feeling. However, some people will not enjoy it or regret being lonely. The third type of people will feel lonely due to a lack of social interaction or other reasons.

  • The person affected by loneliness will not be able to have an intimate connection with another person.
  • They will not have any close friends or best friends to talk their problems out. They constantly have a fear of being judged by others.
  • Feeling of isolation regardless of the place and people an individual is surrounded by. When at work, the person will feel alone and alienated.
  • They will be filled will negative thoughts like self-doubt and questioning self-worth. They will feel that nothing is enough for them.
  • When someone tries to connect with them, they will isolate themself, and will not respond.
  • Social engagement will become very exhausting, and tend to have sudden mental burnout.

Chronic loneliness can affect a person’s health in many ways. It can cause a rush in their cortisol levels. When cortisol levels are consistently high, it can lead to high blood pressure, an increase in weight, fatigue and muscle weakness.

It can also lead to major chronic mental and emotional problems like


When a person is not mentally fit, they cannot perform their daily activities with full efficiency. Some of the common complications detected in people who are feeling lonely are listed below.

Altered brain function

People with chronic loneliness problems, will have an increased stress level. The stress hormone called cortisol will be produced in excess. There will be an altered response by the brain when cortisol is produced in excess, and people will have poor attention, memory and reasoning.

Sleep issues

According to NCBI, people who have been socially isolated or lonely are more likely to experience insufficient sleep. People who were able to get ample sleep were those who mingled and socialised with others.

Social isolation leads to loneliness and can contribute to insufficient sleep and sleep issues. Additionally, it states that loneliness can affect a person's restorative properties irrespective of age.

Feeling stressed out

When a person is lonely, they will have negative feelings and self-doubt. This can lead to mental illnesses like depression, low self-esteem and stress.

When a person is stressed, they will have an inappropriate sleep cycle, anxiety, sadness, a feeling of emptiness and decreased energy levels and concentration.

Heart problems and stroke

A study on social isolation and loneliness reported that it could increase the risk of heart problems and stroke.

According to research, loneliness can trigger a fight-or-flight response that can affect the white blood production in the body. These altered signals can increase the body’s inflammation and decrease the antiviral response, which can result in a reduced immune response.

Loneliness can increase the risk of stroke and heart problems by 30%, and it can also lead to death.

Difficult in decision-making

Loneliness can affect a person’s cognitive thinking skills and lowers them. This can have an impact on a person’s decision-making skills.

Memory problems

According to research, people who feel lonely over a period of time experience a decline in verbal memory.

Risk factors of loneliness

Loneliness or being socially isolated can influence the personal life of people. The impacts of loneliness can lead to certain risk factors that are listed below.

Anxiety and depression

People who are socially isolated can become anxious or depressed when asked to speak in a crowd. Additionally, people may become depressed as they will not have anyone to share their problems with.

According to NCBI, psychiatric disorders like anxiety, depression and social anxiety may increase the risk of developing loneliness during late adulthood.

Additionally, it states that the relationship between loneliness and relationship is bi-directional. However, loneliness and depression are not the same.

Often when a person is depressed, loneliness is not the core diagnostic feature but can be an associated symptom.

Cognitive function and dementia

Mental health deterioration can cause a decline in cognitive function and can increase the risk of dementia.

According to NCBI, certain drawbacks, while communication, memory, language skills and reasoning, can degrade a person’s social skills and these are considered primary defects which can increase the risk of dementia in future.

Impact of social support networks

A person’s friends and social circle can have an impact on a person’s mental health. Social circles include friends, family and other acquaintances.

It is not necessary that a person should have an extensive network to reward their social well-being, but a closed circle can help them during their highs and lows.

According to NCBI, supportive relationships can reduce the feeling of loneliness and help them beat mental health problems.

Diagnosis of loneliness

There is no medical diagnosis for loneliness. However, the symptoms a person faces may help in the diagnosis of loneliness.

A therapist will be able to analyse whether the person is affected by loneliness.

Treatment and prevention of loneliness

Loneliness can be treated and prevented with certain traits.

Talking therapy

Talking therapy can help with the feeling of loneliness. The therapist may help with your emotional and behavioural disorders.

People who feel lonely most of the time will not have active listeners. So, talking therapy will help people to recover from their feeling of loneliness.

Loneliness will socially isolate a person and develop deep negative beliefs about oneself, like self-doubt and social isolation.

So, when a person opens up about their negative thoughts, they will be able to bring out the positive side of a person, which will help them a lot.

The therapist will plan for a weekly schedule depending on a person’s state of mind or feelings.

Take it slow

You might know many people, yet don’t rush to open up too soon. Approach people by greeting them and get know them.

Sometimes, you might be anxious to talk to someone or open up to someone. So, break that feeling first and then talk about your problems with them.

Make new friends

Try to make new friends. If you have a hobby or interest towards something, share it with a like-minded person whom you feel comfortable with. Spend quality time with them.

Try to volunteer yourself to organise an event. This can help you make new friends and be less anxious.

Peer support

Try to get support from your peers. Try to talk with someone who you feel comfortable with. If you feel it is not working on the first attempt, do not force yourself; this can make it more difficult to combat your problem.

Open up

The major cause of loneliness is you become closed. Breaking the ice can be difficult; however, if you do so, you will be able to combat loneliness successfully. If you find it difficult to open up with your peers, try to talk with a therapist.

No comparison with others

Do not compare yourself with others. Everyone has their own ability. If you achieve something, treat yourself. Keep a reminder to talk with a certain number of people and if you reach the milestone, pat yourself.

Additionally, develop the habit of jotting down the points. This will help you to do improve yourself.

Take good care of yourself

Self-love and self-care are the most important. When a person cannot love and take care of themself, they will not be able to provide love to their fellow beings.

So, remember to take care of yourself. Make yourself presentable so that people can approach you. When you see your peers, just greet them, and try to build a conversation. In this way, you can avoid the feeling of loneliness and build a healthy relationship with others.

Adopt a pet

Pets can be a great option to recover from the feeling of loneliness. When you adopt a pet, you will get a companion and especially dogs are considered to be a great companion for humans.

Dogs will be suitable for people of all ages, and they tend to show empathy. You go for a walk with your dog, and they can attract people. In this way, you can start a conversation with people and break the social ice.

Pets can provide you with unconditional love and will help you to recover faster from the feeling of loneliness.

Keep yourself busy

Try to distract yourself and keep yourself busy. Do something that keeps you happy. Listen to music, pain something. It does not mean that your illustration or painting should make sense. Just draw or paint something that you like.

Develop a hobby

Some people may like to bake when they are lonely. Some work out or hit the gym when they feel lonely. So, try to identify your hobby and develop it.

Spending time with yourself and reading can help you combat the feeling of loneliness. Choose books that give you a positive approach.

When to see a doctor?

Loneliness can have a negative impact on a person’s daily activities. So, consult your doctor, if you have symptoms like

  • Depression
  • Self-doubt
  • Feeling low despite the place
  • Negative feelings for more than a week.


Loneliness affects not only a person’s mental health but also their physical health. It can cause digestion problems. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if the feeling of loneliness has existed for more than a week.

Health is your first priority. So, if you think a specific habit is deteriorating your health, do not hesitate to quit it.

If you are struggling with aftermath effects, consider consulting a therapist or a doctor. You can reach for your friends for help.


What are the effects of loneliness?

The effects of loneliness can lead to both physical and mental health conditions like
1. High blood pressure,
2. Obesity,
3. Heart diseases,
4. Weakened immunity,
5. Cognitive decline,
6. Depression,
7. Alzheimer’s disease and
8. Can be fatal too.

Is loneliness a risk factor for depression?

Yes, loneliness can lead to depression.

What is the best cure for loneliness?

You can beat the feeling of loneliness by following these simple steps.
1. Engage yourself
2. Try to open up with others
3. Practise self-care
4. Do not spend too much time online and
5. Try to join a group or interact with like-minded people.

What is the main cause of loneliness?

Loneliness will not be caused due to a single reason. It can be caused due to
1. Living alone.
2. Shifting to another city for work or higher studies.
3. Separation from a spouse or broken relationship.
4. Financial problems.
5. Death of dear ones.


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