5 Ways to Shake Shyness

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Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Shyness is not a problem. It is an emotion that affects how a person behaves around others. When people are shy, they exhibit few physical symptoms like blushing, shaky, or speechlessness.

Shyness occurs when some people receive new people or experiences. Shyness is the opposite of being comfortable with oneself among others. It makes people feel hesitant around others.

Why are people shy?

Shyness is inflicted on a person because of the behaviours they learn. Shyness is also partially due to the genes they have inherited.  

Shyness is not a quality to be appreciated if it is excessive. Many people want to reduce their Shyness. Usually, shy people become sensitive to other people’s feelings or emotions.

When people feel extremely Shy, it would be difficult to cope with their regular social interactions. It can be extreme and hard to conquer. Such Shyness can affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence. It may also lead them to a mental condition called social phobia.

Even though it is fine to adjust or warm up with new people, Shyness should not block a person from being sociable as they want to be.

Here is what a shy person needs to know to overcome Shyness.

What are the ways to shake Shyness?

Shy people might be tired of hearing people telling them that all they need to do is just talk, smile, and stop overthinking. Although this advice might be beneficial to some of them, chronic Shyness requires more than those words of advice.

  • Finding strength

It is important for shy people to take time to consider Shyness from a different perspective, an evolutionary perspective. Finding the resources and exploring new areas is as important as avoiding possible risks.

It is important to work on the personal strength an individual has. Treating Shyness as a flaw will only put a person in a situation where he feels low. The self-esteem of the individual is affected. Here we should be accepting who we are as an individual and understand that everyone is different.  We need to embrace Shyness as a trait rather than as a flaw. Even though it takes more time to open up to others, we may have important traits like empathy to offer as shy people.

  • Rehearsing and starting a conversation

The most difficult part of talking to someone new is figuring out a way to initiate a conversation with them. When we are prepared to do it and feel like backing off due to Shyness, rehearsing it would help. Rehearsing it in front of the mirror before initiating the conversation would make us feel confident.

When we deliver it to the person, we need not be perfect. As shy people, we need to understand that not all things done by confident people are perfect. As we keep practicing this routine, it will become easier.

  • Taking the baby steps

Starting small with people who are close to us will help. People usually have a good posture and exhibit confident body language with people close to them.

This is an easy way to build self-confidence. Practicing eye contact, introductions, small talks, and asking questions to people who are close to us will improve confidence and drive away Shyness.

  • Ignore the spotlight effect

A false assumption that people are micro noticing the things we do is called the spotlight effect. This is a feeling shy people experience very often.  

When a shy person worries if people would notice them, it will hold them back in a crowd. It is important to understand that people are not as observant as we think. Restricting the spotlight effect mindfully is a healthy practice that promotes well-being.

  • Being assertive

Shy people are preoccupied with over concerning other people’s reactions. This concern would make an individual less assertive.  

Being assertive means asking for what we want and speaking up for ourselves. Assertiveness is an important trait a person should develop. Avoiding the situation and not speaking up may only prevent us from being rejected. But only if we stand up to ourselves, we can cater to our needs.

Apart from practicing the above-mentioned techniques, talking to a therapist is helpful. When we reach out to a professional, they may help us to manage symptoms, examine the causes, and recognize other concerns.

To sum up

Shyness is an emotion that is not something to worry about. But when it is excessive, Shyness can prevent a person from socializing and leave them lonely. It may also lower the self-esteem of a person.

When Shyness is excessive, consider practicing the above-mentioned ways to shake Shyness off. Connecting to a therapist will be beneficial. They provide accurate insights, examine the underlying factors, and help us work towards self-acceptance.


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